Aper Alpha : Bundle of Serena Worms
Unlock the recipe for : Alpha Spiked Mace
Assistant Zanette : Majestic Sigil of Dorak
Unlock the recipe for : Burning Vambrace
Unlock the recipe for : Burning Vambrace
Boarmaster Gan : Majestic Sigil of Alcanor
Unlock the recipe for : Gan's Fine Longsword
Unlock the recipe for : Gan's Fine Longsword
Eye of Zeb : Beguiling Spirit Leash
Unlock the recipe for : Axe of the Fiery Eye
Unlock the recipe for : Axe of the Fiery Eye
Piggish Cultist : The Sigil of Lirochi
Unlock the recipe for : Swineherder's Mace
Unlock the recipe for : Swineherder's Mace
Rivulet Alchemist : The Sigil of Akium
Unlock the recipe for : Dreary Pauldrons
Unlock the recipe for : Dreary Pauldrons